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Branch Circuit Conductors from A to Z


Weather proof coverings are advised on outdoor outlets.
Outside outlets should be GFCI friendly to detect abnormal current flow, and have a weather proof covering that hinges back.

Branch Circuit Conductors: Repair or Replace?

Although extension cords should only be considered for temporary use, we often see them serve as permanent wiring. This is NOT good! You should completely remove these extension cords and replace them with proper wiring. This is something that should be done by a licensed technician. 

Roughly one-third of home inspections we review reveal an issue with Branch Circuit Conductors. And the most common issue is the exterior power usage. This occurs when extension cords, or Romex Wiring, are not enclosed properly in the wall or attic.

Conduit junction box connects multiple wires in a communal meeting spot.
A ‘Conduit Junction Box’ is a communal meeting spot for electrical wires. Best for protecting exterior wires that run up the wall.

If you’re thinking about installing electricity in your backyard for patio lighting, be sure it is done safely. For example, plugging an extension cord into your exterior outlets is dangerous for many reasons. Also, many extension cords are not UV rated and will deteriorate over time. 

Low voltage should often be used for exterior lighting to avoid safety hazards.
Before installing exterior lighting, check transformer box for voltage number- low voltage is usually the safest to work with.

In this episode, we will cover how to upgrade the exterior cover of extension cords so that they can be used for longer periods of time. Also, we will look at how to re-work patio lighting so that it is able to connect to the existing landscape lighting. This allows you to brighten up your patio and leverage the timer and 12 Volt system, which is a much safer alternative for exterior lighting.

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