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Q1 2023 Wrap Up

#Quarterly Newsletters

That’s a wrap for Q1, and what an exciting quarter it was! TheQwikFix hit the ground running this year with several new initiatives, all while embodying the word we set out for 2023: FOCUS. This quarter we were focused on hearing from our customers. Through a customer appreciation event, video testimonial shoot, and attending 30 community events – we heard you! And this is just the beginning.

Check out our highlights from January-March 2023 and be sure to follow along on our social channels. We’ll be sharing regular updates on home maintenance tips, new features of TheQwikFix, and exclusive promotions as we head into Q2!

2023 wrap up report and headline

TheQwikFix Customer Testimonials

In February, we hosted a Customer Appreciation & Video Testimonial event at our headquarters in Carlsbad, CA. We had a chance to connect with some of our top customers to learn more about how TheQwikFix is changing the way they do business. To put it bluntly, “If you haven’t used TheQwikFix yet, you are absolutely not serving your clients at the deepest level…” Hear more from directly from our customers on our newly launched testimonial page!

Featured Feature of TheQwikFix

Did you know TheQwikFix is interactive? Once you receive your quote, you have unlimited edits available to change things, remove items, and customize it exactly as you’d like before sharing with your client or the other side of the transaction. Learn more about all of our features here.

Unlimited edits available to customers after receiving a quote.

Home Repair Highlights

We completed 623 tasks in Q1. From large repairs to small fixes, our contractors were busy with hundreds of work orders this quarter. Learn more about how we work with and build our network of licensed, bonded and insured contractors here.

TheQwikFix Social Spotlight

With one of our rainiest winters in years, it’s no surprise our top social post from Q1 was Home Tips Tuesday: Roof Damage & Maintenance. Check out the post here on Instagram and be sure to follow us for more tips!

Social media highlights and most engaging post.

In the Community

We attended THIRTY community events and sponsored NINE caravans this quarter! We love having the chance to connect with real estate agents at these events to stay up to date on the market, cultivate long lasting relationships, and learn more about how our service can solve one of the biggest problems in the real estate transaction process. Learn more about how TheQwikFix was started on our About Us page here.

TheQwikFix sponsored 9 caravans and attended 30 events in Q1 2023.

Top Tip

Our top tip of the quarter is to ensure you/your client hire a licensed contractor to complete home repairs – it could save you money and a big headache in the long run. There are numerous benefits to hiring a licensed contractor and, in California, any home repair that costs more than $500 (so, um, basically all), requires a licensed contractor to complete the work. TheQwikFix has you covered. Learn more here on our blog.

There are numerous benefits to hiring a licensed contractor to complete your home repairs.

Let’s Get Social

Get social with us and use hashtag #JustFixIt Facebook Instagram LinkedIn
We love seeing our customers in action. Tag us at your next home inspection meeting, out and about at your properties or listings, or show us home repair needs you come across, and we’ll be sure to repost!

Feedback Loop

We’re always looking for ways to improve. Click here to let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions and we will personally review every submission.

Three browsers showing differing screens of TheQwikFix software, with a quote shown in front
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